Posts Tagged :

personal finances

Does customer loyalty pay?

You don’t get much in this life unless you ask. That’s definitely the case with your bank, your insurance company and utility companies. There’s a lot of money to be made there. And if we’re lazy, companies can maximise their profits. Don’t let that be you. By playing hard to get, or by ‘rate tarting’ (that’s shopping around for a better rate), you can have your loyalty rewarded. Understand your spending Before you storm into your bank or phone your…

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How to build an emergency fund (and why you need one)

Last week I paid for an upcoming ski holiday in Canada. The trip isn’t until January but it has to be paid in advance. Skiing in Canada is my idea of nirvana, so it wasn’t too painful to see the thousands of dollars flowing out of my account; after all, it’s going to a good cause. But this week, my car decided it needed a wheelbearing replaced plus a wheel alignment and new spark plugs. Then my dentist informed me…

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Most Kiwis are just three weeks from disaster. Here’s the ins and outs of ACC and insurance

Touch wood you’ll still be able to do the limbo at parties in a decade or two. But every year a small but individually significant number of Kiwis find themselves temporarily or permanently disabled. “She’ll be right,” many of us think. “ACC will pick up the tab and pay me out 80% of my salary for the rest of my life.” That’s not always the case. If you are prevented from working, i.e. disabled, through illness, you’ll only have minimal Work…

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