Money worries giving you a headache? Talk to a financial mentor straight away for free
Being snowed under by bills or chased by a lender or debt collector can feel stressful. Having your bank balance constantly in the red can feel like life is spinning out of control. It can help to talk to someone about what’s happening, get another perspective and put a plan into place.
Thanks to Fincap, you can get support for free. Fincap has set up a new helpline, MoneyTalks, which is an easy first port of call for anyone needing financial advice and support.
It’s answered by trained financial mentors who can provide information and guidance on your first steps towards sorting out your money issues.
You can talk to someone at MoneyTalks now on (0800 345 123).
Why chat about your money situation?
Talking to someone can help you work out your first steps. Financial mentors are trained to help people work through their money problems. They can help you access support or work out strategies to improve your situation. They can help you with your immediate concerns, put together a plan to get out of debt, start saving, and move forward with your finances.
You can talk to the MoneyTalks helpline on the phone, by email or chat online. A financial mentor will give you free and confidential advice and can also connect you with a free financial capability and budgeting service close to you (with more than 200 locations around New Zealand).
MoneyTalks is aimed at individuals, families and whānau who are:
- in financial stress
- being pressured to make an instant decision.
- wanting support or to find a way forward
- enquiring on behalf of another person
- making general enquiries or needing information
Call MoneyTalks on 0800 345 123, text 4029, email, or talk to someone on live chat at You can also check out MoneyTalks on Facebook.
- Post Tags:
- budgeting
- debt
- financial help
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