Are you paying too much for your power? Cold Kiwis are hungry to switch suppliers, research shows
On the brink of winter, research* we commissioned last month reveals a huge chunk of Kiwis are prepared to switch electricity providers to get access to a better deal. A whopping 73% told us they’d be keen to switch, while a shocking 53% said they cut back on heating their homes in winter due to the cost.
To help Kiwis get the best deal possible on their power, we’ve launched a nationwide crowdsourcing campaign to bargain for lower energy prices.
“It doesn’t feel right that New Zealanders are paying more to heat their homes than people in Norway, where snow covers the ground at least three months of the year,” said Credit Simple CEO David Scognamiglio.

Just under three quarters (73%) of New Zealanders feel like they do not get a fair deal for power and over half (53%) are reducing their heating in their home because of the cost.
“We know we are using more power than other parts of the world, so any deal is welcome if it soothes the sting that comes with higher power consumption, particularly over winter.
“ wants to help Kiwis live their best financial life and getting access to better power deals is one way to do that.”
In April, we commissioned independent research quizzing Kiwis around the country about their electricity bills. The research shows New Zealanders are hungry for better deals and are prepared to switch providers to get them.
The crowdsourcing campaign, in response to this research, will assist the 73% of New Zealanders who feel like they don’t get a fair deal for power and help the 53% of Kiwis who cut back on heating their homes in winter due to the cost.
“Through our crowdsourcing campaign, we can harness the power of our 450,000 Credit Simple members to secure offers from power companies for more affordable electricity services throughout the country,” Mr Scognamiglio said.
“With 475,000+ financially savvy New Zealanders already signed up, wants to use the power of the people to hunt out a power deal that’s a win-win for everyone.”
The International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2017 review of New Zealand’s energy policies** confirmed that household electricity prices have risen much faster here than in other IEA countries. The Government’s own analysis of our power prices is currently underway.
“With winter fast approaching, the price of power matters to Kiwi pockets now more than ever. We want to help New Zealanders combat hefty power bills to heat their homes as the chill sets in.

There’s no obligation, no cost, no fee at all – just add your name to the list and we’ll bargain on your behalf to get the best power deal.
To join the movement for a better power deal this winter, sign up here. If you are already a Credit Simple member, login and then join the movement.
*The research was conducted by Perceptive Research in April 2018 surveying 1,356 New Zealanders online using a nationwide sampling framework, the results are then weighted to Statistics New Zealand census gender, age and location data.
**Source: International Energy Agency’s (IEA) 2017 review of New Zealand’s energy policies.
- Post Tags:
- better deals
- electricity

Credit Simple
Credit Simple gives all Kiwis free access to their credit score, as well as their detailed credit report. See how your credit score compares by age, gender and community and gain valuable insights into what it all means.
All stories by: Credit Simple